
A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.
John 13:34

The first Christians described in Acts shared everything they had. They supported one another in prayer, fellowship, in the breaking of the bread, and with their worldly possessions. Christian fellowship has changed over the centuries, but the love and support that Christians give one another remains a vital piece of the journey with Jesus. At Prince of Peace, parishoners continually gather to celebrate life socially and in service.

Dinner Club

The Prince of Peace Dinner Club started because parishioners wanted an evening of fellowship combined with good food. Initially, membership was limited so that the dinners could be easily be accommodated in people's homes. But soon the restriction on membership was dropped and the dinners are now open to anyone. With the open invitation to the whole congregation, attendies must now sign up to attend and pay a small fee to help cover the cost of the food. The hosts of a dinner decide how many persons they can comfortably handle, and once that number is reached, the event sign up is closed. So far, there have been no problems accommodating everyone, but dinners are not always in homes. Other sites used include the beach, a park, or other sites that can accommodate a large group.

Dinner Club members (rather than attendies) must be willing to host and event or help host and event once every two years. The hosts and helpers organize announcing the event, planning, and cooking. Traditionally, the Dinner Club meets on the second Saturday of February, May or June, August, and December.

Episcopal Church Women (ECW)

Episcopal Church Women provides a nurturing environment for all Prince of Peace women to grow in their Christian faith and to provide an opportunity for them to use their time and talents in our Christian community. ECW activities include the Kathie Clark Scholarship award to a young woman entering college, the annual rummage sale, the Days for Girls (see Service) sewing sessions, and various fund raising efforts such as the annual Thanksgiving bake sale, the monthly morning breakfasts (after Sunday service), and numerous resturant events. The ECW donates funds raised to causes and needs both within the parish and in the local community. ECW volunteers also provide dinner for the Men's Chorus before the Easter vigil and breakfast for the choir, clergy, and support between the two Easter morning services.

Golf Club

Golfing enthusiasts, both male and female, gather periodically throughout the year at courses around the area for fellowship and tournaments of various formats. If you enjoy golf, watch for the tournament announcements and sign up to join the fun.