What’s happening to ECW?   (Episcopal Church Women)

As times change, our organization needs to adapt to these changes.  More young women work full time and their children are involved in many extra-curricular activities.  We are grateful that our POP families set Christ as a priority in their busy lives.  Since ALL women parishioners of Prince of Peace are members of the ECW Community, we must find opportunities to effectively involve them in our program of worship, study, service and fellowship.

The National ECW did a very thorough demographic study of women in all age categories to see how they would like to participate in an organization like ours.  Women born before 1945 accept the traditional models or organizations.  They are the “silent builder generation” and run many of the POP groups.  Baby boomers born between 1945-1964 show a slight movement away from their mother’s groups.  They demand more effective use of their time and enjoy hands on projects.  Generation X, born between 1965-1978, would rather participate in short term projects, tasks with well defined job descriptions and short term commitments.  Generation X would rather write a check than go to meetings.  They along with Baby Boomers want outstanding speakers on topics addressing personal and spiritual development.  The final group, the Millennial generation born after 1978 must be personally invited to participate.  They want to know their participation will be important and make a difference.  They also do not want to attend meetings.  They make excellent volunteers but must be personally asked.

So there we are.  Attend an ECW Board meeting and your will find the “Silent builder” generation along with a few “Baby Boomers”.  It will be our concentrated focus this year to attract the Generation X and Millennial group with projects and programs to stimulate their spiritual life and short term service.  You are requested to join ECW in the manner that best fits your life style.  Future projects include breakfast after the 8am service (and before the 10am), book study will continue in the fall, and a California Pizza Kitchen (CPK) night. 

ECW will continue to promote the health, growth and fellowship of the community of Prince of Peace.  This is your first invitation to join us!